About FIF

The Fashion Intern Files is a community to come and share your internship experience with others or read about other peoples experiences in fashion internships. The day to day tasks, the ins and outs, in order to let others discover what being a fashion intern is all about. There are thousands of fashion companies and hundreds of different job titles within each one. Interning is a right of passage in most companies, therefore knowing what each one entails, how to get by and get the best from yours is a great way to get where you want to be with ease. FIF can also act as a support system for struggling interns. It’s a very competitive industry to be in, especially being paid next to nothing. Reading about other interns, knowing you’re not the only one struggling, how each person is coping and the option to contact each other is a great way to make it a bit better for everyone.

The Creator: Emily Rodgers

Hello Everyone! My name is Emily, I'm 22, former intern at Vivienne Westwood Press Office and Motel Rocks Press Office. Managed to land a job as an Online Merchandiser for the House of Fraser Multi Channel team. 
The idea for FIF came about in a rather simple way. Before starting my internship at Vivienne Westwood I wanted to do a bit of research to see what doing an internship there or in PR would be like as I had never done an internship before. After browsing for a good hour on the web I found nothing, so FIF was born. 
The idea of a community website where people can share their internship experience with each other.  For those wanting to learn about the fashion industry, for those who’ve never done an internship before and for those who may want to branch out into different fields but don’t know much about it, this is the place for you. I hope this website is as helpful and inspiring and as I intended it to be!

So, welcome to those who are brand new to the world of fashion interning, good luck to everyone starting internships and well done to everyone who has just completed one!